Summer 2000

The Summer of 2000 saw two students, Danielle Willsie, ’01, and Sarah Burpee, ’01, travel to basel Switzerland to work with the Wirth Group.  Here at Albion, two students; Jocelyn Jacobs, and Amanda Boye, ’02, worked in my lab on the synthesis of two new chiral hypervalent iodine reagents.  Each received funding from Albion College’s new Foundation for Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity (FURSCA).  Sarah, Amanda, and Jocelyn presented their work at the National ACS Meeting in San Diego in 2000 in the CHED Division’s Undergraduate Research Poster session.

Sarah and Danielle wrote Departmental Honors theses, and graduated in the Spring of 2001.  Danielle got a job working for PTC Pharmaceutics in New Jersey as an organic chemist, completed an advanced degree in Athletic Training at Rutgers University, and became a professional athletic trainer.  Nine years later, Danielle went to medical school.  Sarah completed Medical school at the University  of DesMoines, Iowa and is now a practicing physician in Grand Rapids, MI.  Jocelyn is a high school science teacher.

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