The Summer of 2006 was the final year of our current NSF grant and saw Sarah and Shauna travel to Wales to work with Thomas. Shauna continued her project begun at Albion, completing her synthesis and evaluation of her target compound. A publication is in draft form, we hope to have it submitted by the end of the year. Sarah, wishing to try new things, tried some new nitrogen-based hypervalent iodine chemistry. They enjoyed their time in Wales, pictures below. Sarah graduated with departmental Honors, and went on to receive a Masters degree in Chemistry from the University of Michigan! She returned to Albion in the Spring of 2009 to be an Adjunct Professor of Chemistry. She continues here in the fall of 2009. Dr. French spent his summer 2006 as Director of FURSCA and trolling the waters for new funding opportunities. Sadly, NSF said “no”.
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