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Albion trips to Boulder Strewn, Homewood, IL
Bretz called his home in Homewood, IL “Boulder Strewn”. In the 1970’s Drs. Larry Taylor and Russ Clark (both emeritus now) took groups of Albion students to visit Bretz. Bretz donated his journal and boulder collection to the Albion College … Continue reading
Age 95- received the Penrose Medal
“All my enemies are dead; I have no one to gloat over”
Bretz’s First Scientific Publication- The Albion College Pleiad
Bretz first article was published in 1904 in the Albion College newspaper, The Pleiad. The article featured a map of the local surface geology.
The Infamous Snake Feed
From Bretz’s unpublished memoirs- Several of us with unusual interest in biology under Prof. C.E. Barr had extended our interest to the capture alive of local fauna, from amphibia to reptilia to a bald-faced hornet nest, complete with its inhabitants. … Continue reading