Whitehouse Nature Center


Welcome to the greenest classroom on campus!

It’s the only one with more than five miles of trails, 400 plus plant species, and the Kalamazoo River running through it. You’ll explore acres of forests and floodplains as you search for any and all species. If you’re interested in experimental plantings or agricultural research you can dig right into the acres of farmland that are reserved for student projects just like yours. After all, many biology, geology, and environmental courses use the center for projects and more.

The Whitehouse Nature Center is 140 acres’ worth of outdoor education, and it comes complete with a visitors’ center that houses a classroom, wildlife observation room, and live exhibits of local reptiles and amphibians. Owned and operated by Albion College, the WNC facilities and services are open to public schools and the community for environmental education. The mission of the WNC is to stimulate awareness and understanding of our natural environments among college, school, community, and other groups.

The Nature Center is named in honor of Dr. William W. Whitehouse, tenth president of Albion College.

Trials are open 365 days a year, every day of the week, from dawn to dusk.

*New Trail Guides and Signs coming soon!


Articles and News

Jason Raddatz, ’91, Returns to Albion as Whitehouse Nature Center Director

Student Farm sows seeds in community   

New developments with the student farm   

Revitalizing Albion’s water systems   

Students volunteer to maintain the Kalamazoo River   

The buzz on honeybees   

Q&A: Artist-in-residence creates collages out of leaves and paint   

Guide to Fall Fun   

Campus Safety announces incredible new details about Hurricane Albion   

Humanities labs: liberal arts outside the classroom   

A Writer’s Night Walk in The Woods   

Backward Progress   

Green Day Set to Sprout   

Dancing on Wild Rice   

Tapping Trees and Making Maple Syrup   

Concerns Arise Over Marked Trees On Newburg Road   

Program in Albion Creates Dialogue About Kalamazoo River’s Preservation   

Latest Mosquito Epidemic Results in Deaths in Michigan: What You Need to Know   

Kassie Wright (’19) is Setting the Nature Center Trail Markers Straight   

Top Five Reasons to Visit the Whitehouse Nature Center   

Frogs conduct nature’s orchestra on night hike   

New Nomads — Vagabons occupy the Whitehouse Nature Center   

Going Green — CSE sponsors eco event at the Nature Center   

Freshwater Jellyfish: Who Knew!   

Futuristic Farming — Student Farm hunt for possible “hoop house” locations




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