
Want to learn more about doing geochemistry research at Albion?
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Brittany Myers in CA

Student Profile:  Brittany Myers ’10 completed a senior thesis on soil geochemistry and plant distribution in the White Mountains of California.  Brittany focused on XRF geochemistry and used our Rigaku XRF spectrometer in the Dow Research Laboratory at Albion College.   She presented her work at the annual Geological Society of America professional 2009.   She is now in graduate school at  UNLV doing research on on soil chemistry and geomorphology.


Other past and current student projects:

Nicki Rockentine ’11
Helen Habicht ’13
Dani Lord ’08 completed x-ray fluorescence spectrometry and petrographic microscope analysis of samples from a field area that students map in during our biennial Summer Field camp.    Dani presented her study “A Geochemical Analysis of Absaroka Volcanics from Dead Indian Hill, Northwest Wyoming” at a Geological Society of America professional meeting.  Dani went to the University of New Mexico to continue studying volcanology and geochemistry.