100-level courses:
- Geol 101 Introduction to Geology (lecture and lab)
- Geol 103 Earth History (lecture and lab)
- Geol 104 Earth Resources and the Environment (lecture)
- Geol 106 Natural Disasters (lecture)
- Geol 111 Geography and GIS (lecture and lab)
- Geol 115 Oceans and Atmospheres (lecture)
- LA 101 and Honors Courses
200-level courses (all lecture and lab)
- Geol 201 Structural Geology
- Geol 202 Groundwater
- Geol 203 Mineralogy
- Geol 204 Petrology
- Geol 205 Sedimentation and Stratigraphy
- Geol 208 Geomorphology (lecture and lab)
- Geol 209 Paleontology and Geochronology
- Geol 210 Regional Field Geology
- Geol 211 Remote Sensing and GIS
- Geol 212 Volcanology (lecture and lab)
- Geol 216 Engineering and Environmental Geology
300-level courses:
- Geol 306 Glaciers and Climate Change (lecture and lab)
- Geol 307 Geochemistry
- Geol 309 Vertebrate Paleontology
- Geol 310 Igneous and Metamorphic Geochemistry
- Geo 311 Advanced GIS
- Geol 314 Geological Field Methods