
MACTLAC brings together teachers of chemistry in the liberal arts colleges of the North Central region of the United States (Midwest) for exchange of ideas and for general mutual helpfulness in their profession. This region is defined as including the states of Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, and Missouri, together with areas reasonably adjacent to the borders of the above seven states, not otherwise served by a similar association or agency.  The group also welcomes those who are interested in teaching chemistry at a liberal arts institution.


The 2024 annual meeting will be held at Gustavus Adolphus College (St. Peter, MN) on Sept. 27th and 28th with the theme “Building and Marketing Student Skills”.   Follow this link for more information (sites.google.com/gustavus.edu/mactlac2024).


Thank you for a successful 2023 annual meeting which was held on Oct. 20th and 21st at North Central College in Naperville, IL.

2023 Annual Report