Posts Tagged ‘staff’

New Year, New Faces

Wednesday, January 19th, 2011

Hi everyone!  I’m Nicole Garrett and I am the new College Archivist for Albion College.  I started in April and have taken this time to acclimate myself with the college collections.  One of my main priorities is web outreach, so be prepared to see the blog resurrected and new activity with Flickr and Facebook.

I’m planning on using the blog to highlight new collections and interesting memorabilia and memories I stumble across.  With 175 years of history, there are innumerable stories waiting to be uncovered!

In otherNicole Garrett, College Archivist news….

The archives’ own Chelsea Denault ’12 spent last semester studying at the Newberry Library in Chicago, IL.  She was featured in an article on the college website and I am excited to welcome her back to the archives this semester!

New Collections

ARC-0102 Morley Fraser Film Collection
Liz Fraser, widow of Morley Fraser, recently donated her husband’s collection of football game films from the late 1950s and early 1960s.  One my priorities this year is to find the funds to get these digitized and online.

MSS-0047 Jim and Tammy Royle Collection
Last spring, Jim’63 and Tammy Royle ’63 donated a digital recording of the 1963 Albion Production of “The Marriage of Figaro” along with a few photographs of students and David Strickler from the 1960s.