Spring 2020 – Remaining Topics to be Covered
Given that we will not finish our coverage of Bouton’s text, here are the topics (and pages) beyond Chapter 7 that I plan to cover in the remaining time.
Monday April 14
Wednesday April 15:
Friday April 17:
Schedule of Reinforcement cont. (pp. 252-260)
Izquierdo (paper) Wilson & Baeske (1987)
From Ivan Izquierdo’s autobiography:
We trained rats in a shuttle box using acoustic stimuli as CSs and footshocks as USs, and we studied several control training modes: one in which tones and footshocks were interspersed randomly (pseudoconditioning), another in which they were paired on every trial regardless of responses (Pavlovian mode), and another one in which the CS-US interval was varied at random but USs were given only when there had been no shuttling to the last CS (avoidance contingency). We studied the effect of many drugs and several brain lesions on the four behavioral paradigms. Some treatments selectively affected the pseudoconditioning or “drive” component, others affected the Pavlovian component, and others the avoidance component (Izquierdo and Cavalheiro, 1976; Cavalheiro and Izquierdo, 1977; Schutz and Izquierdo, 1979). So we added one more factor, “pure drive” or pseudoconditioning, to the Pavlovian and the avoidance components of shuttle behavior studied by Rescorla.
Learned Helplessness (431-436) (Wilson & Butcher, 1980)
Monday April 20:
Wednesday April 22: Review