Useful Links
If you are planning to go to grad school (or med school) read this.
Science Uncensored – post science that the government wants to keep from the public.
Below you will find links to various web pages:
Psychological Societies
- Pavlovian Society
- Society for Neuroscience
- Women in Learning
- Tri-State Conference on Animal Learning & Behavior
Journals that probably should be avoided (Beall’s List)
How to Give a Bad Presentation
Creating an Effective Poster (Hess, NCSU)
Nencki Institute for Experimental Biology
JUNE: Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education
PeerJ: open-source peer-reviewed scientific journal
Useful papers
- Description of Pudovkin film
- Best example of the hazards of too many for-profit journals.
- Geoffrey Loftus’ Paper: “A Picture is Worth a Thousand p-Values”
- Schwartz: “The Importance of Stupidity in Scientific Research”
- Simmons et al (2011): “False-Positive Psychology: Undisclosed Flexibility in Data Collection and Analysis Allows Presenting Anything as Significant”
- “This is Your Brain on Paintball.”